Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A dream that turned into even larger goals for this runner!

I am starting off the one year of stroller workouts with a success story of one of my longest standing clients...this friend turned runner trusted me to help her in her journey to become a fit mom!

A dream that turned into even larger goals for this runner!

This gal is a friend turned client which is usually the other way around, a client turned friend. I met Vicki in the most unique way she was on my first ever real job hiring committee. I can remember once I got hired (even though I never directly worked with her) she would always greet me in the halls and tell me I was doing a good job.

Soon after the start of 2011, she came to me for what she used to give me, support and reassurance. Her dream, a half marathon. Lots of small goals were set to achieve this, a 5k, a 10k, weekly training runs with our running club, a 13.1 training run, lead up to the real deal, the Parkersburg Half Marathon Aug 2011.

The journey was awesome to watch and I knew she was hooked when she set her goals even higher---she registered for her second half before she even ran her first!

One of my main goals for Vicki was to incorporate cross training. She was one of the ones that were apart of the original "trial" group of strollers workout-ers! It was great to see a familiar face that day! I knew from her feedback that this would be successful.

So even though she thinks I'm the only one giving support and reassurance as the trainer, she is STILL supporting and reassuring me (just last week we she was so excited for me because of all the new faces at Strollers!)

I am proud of Vicki as she demonstrates the hard work, determination and goal setting it takes to make a complete lifestyle change.

In her own words....

"I love Neighborhood Stroller workouts because they are great core and cardio workouts that get me outside and among many ladies I have come to call my great friends. I like that I can modify the exercises to my own fitness level while feeling both challenged and comfortable. I enjoy that I fit in with this group when I have my two boys with me in the double jogger or running along side me as well as when I go alone without my children or stroller."
Vicki Earl

1 comment:

  1. You are so sweet! Thanks for the kind words. You will always be an inspirational trainer and friend! Wishing you many more years of success.
