Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Fleet Feet Columbus: Worth The Drive? YES!

Today I experienced my first ever "real" running store. At least it was real in my book. What made it real?
-Gait Analysis
-And Runner/Sales Men

First they measure your foot which I don't think I have had done since elementary school. Then look at your feet standing, then running (barefoot)---don't wear black socks if you don't want to have to go completely bare on the treadmill! They have a camera that logs it and then they give you a great choice of shoes!

I learned today that my right foot is a half inch longer than my left. I have thought of several theories myself but luckily before I could embarrass myself by stating one of them the runner/sales man said it just happens and shrugged his shoulders. So okay, it just happens. Good for me that its not enough to effect my buying pattern. Can you imagine.....I am going to need an 8 in the left and 8.5 in the right. Don't think I could even special order them that way!

I also learned that I have the perfect foot....I mean neutral foot ;) I kind of knew this before....as an ex-pronater (yes, I just made up that word)---I have always tried to equal the pressure in my foot by shifting weight on big toe after years of having wear on the edge of my shoes and noticed that I shifted my weight to the outer side of my foot  while no one else did, in aerobic classes through high school. 

Since I have had no aches or pains (Yes, I am knocking on wood....right...now) since the marathon (its all good until you start running 40+ miles), I found out I can keep wearing my minimalist shoes that I love! AND my favorite shoe is now in white/purple color combo which will be my summer/fall shoe.  Back to Brooks Pure Flow.....ahhhhhh.

If you happen to be a supinater or pronater, we learned you can have a trainer shoe to log on all your long miles, then keep your minimalist shoe for the race. This will keep your minimalist shoe in good shape for many races (since they typically only get 250-300 miles).

The store also had a pretty good selection of jackets, pants, shorts, shirts, and even 26.2 magnets (not that anyone has one on their Mazda now!). The clincher for me in the store was the treadmill and encouragement to use it!

The store is getting ready to go through an expansion and the new store looks BIG. So I am excited to head back. If you are in Columbus on Saturday they are planning on having a great Re-Grand Opening! 


  1. Jealous - my favorite shoes don't come in purple any more but I learned in Run Like A Mother that color is not a good reason to buy a pair:) Great blog!

  2. Thanks Christa! Hope you continue to read :)
